Grievance and Information Request
Consultation and Grievances Communication Procedure Internal/External
- This procedure is design to facilitate consulation and communication process between the management, growers and/millers and employees, local communities and other affected external parties.
- The above process concentrates on matters pertaining to social, environmental issues and RSPO implementations of the company, which may include legal requirement and other related requirement.
- The estate or mill manager is to receive all external communication from employees, local communities and other affected and interested external parties. He is o review the information received and respon to it accordingly.
- The estate or mill manager is also responsible to communicate on RSPO and MSPO social and environmental matters with the higher and relevent regulatory authories.
- It is the reponsibility of every employee to communicate social and environmental issues, problem or ideas to the estate or mill manager and shall then covery the concern(s) to the management.
Consulation is the process by which management, local communities, employees and other affected or interested external parties jointly examine and discuss issues of mutual concern. It invilves seeking acceptable solutions to problems through a genuine exchange of views and information before making a decision.Communication
Communication means the provision and exchange of information and instruction that enable an organization to function efficiently and employees, local communication and other affected parties to be properly informed about developments.Employee
Employee herein define as a non-executive staff and workers regardless of gender and country of origin whom directly employed by the company. They are also known as internal stakeholders.External Interested party
Applied to non-employees of the company either individual or group, concerned with the company’s social environmental performance e.g local communities, schools, government departments and that of regulatory bodies.
- The management will take every effort as far as practicable to protect the anonymity of the affected person to the extent possible. Any discussion between the management and the affected person will be conducted in closed door situation
6.1 Internal Communication
The company recognises that for effrctive implementation of RSPO and MSPO social and environmental management, there shall be efficient means of two-way communication i.e from management to staff/workers and vice-versa`
The company is aware that the employees are valuable source of information in relation to social and environmental performance. The employees may also be the ones to come up with most of the realistic and practical ideas to enhance social and environmental performance therefore special emphasis is to be given to communication from staff to management.
The modes for interval communication include
- Management to Staff/Workers
- Daily assemblies/meeting
- Internal circulurs and memos
- Notice board and posters
- Environmental and social campaingns
- Management by walkabout
- Staff/workers to management
- Suggestions boxes
- Daily informah comunication
- Through staff/workers representative/meeting
- Through written Borang Aduan
- Management by walkabout
6.1.1 Management to staff/workers communication
Communication through Daily Assemblies
The normal flow of information from one management level to the next is appropriate and will be used for certain social and environmental information. The Estate and Mill Manager can use a dedicated part of his daily assemblies to explain or deliberate on issues pertaining to RSPO and MSPO etc.Communication through Notice Board and Posters
Annoucements concerning the RSPO and MSPO upcoming audits, and other environmental related information will be disseminated through the notice board and posters. For this to be an effective method of communication, the information on the notice board should be updated.
6.1.2 Staff to Management Communication
Communication through Suggestion Boxes
In the case of suggestion boxes, the communication is coming directly from the employees. Suggestion boxes shall be placed at specific locations in the company and the content of these boxes will review at the monthly Management Meeting.
Employees can also use this channel to report potential or suspected violations to the RSPO and MSPOCommunication through staff/workers representatives
Staff/workers representatives interact with the management daily and therefore employees are encouraged to communicate their ideas through this means. These staff/workers representatives sholud present their views and ideas of the employees to the top management of the company mainly during Joint Consultative Committee meeting.
- Management to Staff/Workers
6.2 External Communication
As with internal communication, the management also encouragnes a two-way communication with the external stakeholders. External communication could be a request for information such as the company’s Environmental Policy or a complaint related to its social and environmental performance and RSPO and MSPO implementations.
The estate and mill management from time to time need to inform the local communities or other external stakeholder of any changes in work practices or procedures, latest information and law requirement that may affect them.6.2.1 Mode of Communication
- Whenever there are request for information, assistance or forwading grievances, they can fill up and submit:-
- Borang Aduan or
- Meet with the estates or mill manager verbally in estate/mill office he/she then needs to fill up Borang Aduan for documentation purpose.
At the same time the management from time to time may invite the external stakeholders to the estate or mill for:-- Garhering or public consultation
- Tour of the estate of mill’s operations
- Meeting to discuss spectific issues arises from (a) above
- To participate in any activities or programme that benefiting participant.
If the communication requires direct feedback, then it should be done accordingly. All external communication shall be recoded.
- Whenever there are request for information, assistance or forwading grievances, they can fill up and submit:-
6.2.2 Time Frame for External Comunication
- In cleaning with external communication, the following time frame o provide feedback should be adopted but not limited to:-
- Within two weeks of the date of receipt for communication requiring direct feedback.
- Within one week of the completion of the investigation, for requiring investigation.
- In cleaning with external communication, the following time frame o provide feedback should be adopted but not limited to:-
- All documetation with regard to this procedure shall be field in an aporppriate and kept for reference. The example of the documents are:-
- Internal and external circulars and Memos
- Minutes of Monthly Management Meeting
- Minutes of Monthly Plantation/Oil Mill Coordination Meeting
- Borang Aduan
- JCC minutes meeting
- Minutes of meeting with external stakeholders.
Appendix A
- Below is the example of internal and external communications:-